Diary Entry 5th of July

Dear diary,

Night has almost completed it’s transformation from light to dark. Few lights remaining, soon it will disappear and turned into night. The date is 5th of July.

Today has been a quiet day. Preparations for everything is now complete. It can’t fail because so much has gone into it. Regardless of anything that happens. So now the only thing to do now is move forward. Consequences or whatever, let it come.

Night time is the most soothing period. Still not sure what makes it so. Relaxes the mind and body. Being at ease with myself and clear minded. I have always been a night person, always adapted to the night. Whereas the day time, no matter what I try, I could never get used to it. Night is my time.

It has been almost a month since Myla has entered my world. I met her back in December, before any of the online things began. Met her on 12th December 2014. She calls me a Wizard. It’s funny. She didn’t know anything about Bali Nine or anything like that. Didn’t know I was in prison until I came clean and told her everything.

We first met and started chatting. Around the same time, talks about the executions begun. It became too much to handle in January. That was when I told her I was in jail. Not only jail but also a member of the Bali Nine. When she heard of the news, she was shocked but still stayed. She’s one in a million.

As time went on, the coverage of the Bali Nine was getting more and more. Luckily in Italy, it didn’t show on the news. There were many things that happened back then, but the biggest challenge was the group.

At first, it was wonderful having the group. At the beginning, it was like wow. The support had been amazing and that knocked me off my feet a bit. Didn’t realise the amount of love was being down to me. That is something that can’t be brought with all the money in the world. But then the problem arrived.

Mostly the group contained girls. Myla was jealous and started to see a change in me. With all the attention I was receiving, it was getting to my head. Thank God I had trusted people on my side, otherwise I wouldn’t know where I would end up. For almost ten years alone, then all of a sudden a rush of support. It was mind blowing.

I didn’t know how to react. I don’t think any of us knew how to react. We never did this kind of thing before. So we were just playing as we go. Figuring it out as we went along. Discovery were made. That was discovery of me. The person who I am. I found out that writing gives me joy, an interest and hobby. There were many things that happened within those months.

Myla still stuck by me and put up with everything. It wasn’t easy for her, it almost drove her insane. It was a learning experience for her as well. Yet she is still here, dispute the things she had to put up with. I’m lucky in meeting her in December. Very fortunate that she is here with me now.

End of diary

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